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Friday, December 01, 2006

Bizzaro Potato

Bizzaro Potato
Originally uploaded by thorner.
You are always your most tiresome critic is your self. I am sure that this is true I know no one holds me up to a level as high as I do personally. As for my "Bat-man bang" the title was not what constrained me to the project. That particular piece was never really meant to copy the Bat-man bang in the true sense. I being in Art school, means that alot of what I do in art are exercises. What I was exploring with this piece was how to create and object that "contains space" with only using line. On retrospect the bat-man bang was a very ambitious idea (I have a tendency to do this with most of the projects this year, I will talk about them later. ). Therefore in the terms of the exercise I am not very happy with the result. If it were smaller I would hold the space better. But I am very happy with the end piece on its own.

The second project that I worked on was the faceted potato. In this exercise I was instructed to create an object (go figure, be a sculpture class) that contained space using flat plains. I think the was the point where I genuinely entered a real artistic phase. I call it my "bizzaro world" phase. For those of you that do not know or remember, Bizzaro World first came about in the original Superman comics. In Bizzaro world every this was boxy or faceted, they had now curves. To start with I decided to make a potato with no round edges or curves.

This is something difficult when you are working with a material that has a depth. 1.4 inch plywood has this depth. This depth double the amount of angles that I have to put into each piece. Needless to say I was not satisfied with the result or the process of making this (I broke two belt sanders in a week) project in any way.

In Spite of that I love the idea of the potato, so I reworked it with the material of my choice in my third piece. I till get into that on sunday.
Posted by Toddokun :: 9:44 PM ::

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